Are you tired of poorly lit houses and dark rooms that force you to always keep the lights on?! Do you want to give new light to your home? Below we have some thoughts about how to that with natural light.

These days we hear more and more about light pollution linked to the abuse of artificial lights, which alter the amount of light in the environment and cause damage to health, the environment and even the wallet.
In this article we will discuss how to minimize the use of artificial light in the home by making the most of natural light.
Natural lighting is essential to make the rooms in the home more comfortable, to enhance the furnishings, and offer psycho-physical benefits for those who live in the house.
To do this it is important to consider sunlight exposure in each of the rooms, in order to understand at what times of the day they are well lit and when they remain darkest.
For starters, it should be kept in mind that bedrooms should have Eastern exposure so that they can have exposure to natural light in the morning. Rooms dedicated to daytime activities, such as kitchen, and living areas, should have Western exposure to enjoy light in the afternoon hours. With these things in mind, artificial light would only be a support for natural light, it would perform the task for which it was designed, rather than become a replacement for natural light.

Now let’s move on to the concrete solutions that allow us to give new light to our living spaces.

The glass window is an element that, if well designed and built, becomes a suggestive and functional feature ensuring the right lighting during daylight hours.
It’s important to keep in mind the quality of the materials used to make it, to avoid such disadvantages as condensation, heat loss in the winter, and air circulation in the summer. To do this, both windows and doors must have a low thermal transmittance value and excellent light transmission.


Skylights – Velux Windows
Another solution is Velux windows or as they are commonly called – Skylights. These allow light to enter a room where it wasn’t before. Skylights give the room a magical atmosphere, allowing for natural light throughout the day and even an interesting outlook at night.
The advantages are many – bright, diffused light, visual comfort, air circulation and energy savings.

There have been a lot of attention lately on adding value to attic spaces by adding such features to transform them into beautiful functional living spaces.

Frames in Glass-Cement
Another way to bring light into less laminated environments is installation of glass-cement partitions.

Furniture Selection
Not to be underestimated as a factor for light, is the importance of the right wall colors and furnishings to improve the diffusion of natural light in the room.
In fact, the right choice of colors can give new life to the room, creating a much more comfortable atmosphere.
To solve problems in poorly lit environments it is always good to remember:

-choose painting of walls with warm and light tones;
-choose light and bright floors;
-furnish the room with light-colored furniture;
-choose curtains that are not too dark and heavy;
-insert shiny furnishings or with reflective surfaces, even better if positioned near the windows so that they can spread the light;
-place mirrors at strategic points;
-avoid fixed dividing elements especially if the room is not positioned towards the outside; and replace them with translucent walls or dividers.

Not to be forgotten is the fact that outdoor canopies and porches, if placed in front of the windows reduce the amount of light inside the house.
In conclusion, we can say that careful analysis of the environments and small tricks with furnishing can greatly improve the appearance of a house. We can have the brightness we have always dreamed of and considerable saving on the bill.

Are you thinking of renovating your home? Don’t hesitate, ask for a quote!
I hope I have been helpful, and have been able to give you useful advice.
I wish you a colorful day…
Until Next Time.

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